The Trouble with Technology

A screen shot of kodak company 's stock price.

Kodak erred when they simply supplemented their 35 mm product line with digital products, rather than changing the brand proposition in line with emerging cultural trends in photo imaging. Digital technologies created consumer expectations for immediate photo imaging, paperless photo storage, and on-line sharing. These needs were signs of profound changes in consumer lifestyles, socialization, and self-representation at the end of the millennium. These cultural trends, rather than digital technologies themselves, outdated Kodak’s core equities in superior quality imaging and paper destined to last a lifetime in the hardbound photo album.

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The trouble with technology is not the technology itself but the ways technologies affect consumer behavior and expectations. As the foregoing examples illustrate so dramatically, it is not a matter of just supplementing old retail designs with new technologies, but adapting the entire value proposition at point of purchase to technology-driven cultural change. To resolve these tensions, the Marketing Semiotics company uncovers the cultural implications of new technologies for consumer behavior. This work helps management align brand strategy, new product development, and customer service to emerging social and cultural trends associated with technology.

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